緣起國際醫學科學研究基金會 (Foundation for East-West Medicine) 於民國77年9月19日由一群熱心的社會人士所組成,78年4月8日正式設立。本基金會的成立,是希望集合各界力量,以尖端科技開發傳統醫學精華;溝通並結合傳統醫學與現代醫學的原理與技術,開闢醫學新領域;更進一步的粹取東西方醫學精華使其相輔相成,增進全人類的健康。
李國鼎(K.T.Lee)與孫運璿等提出: 「科技立國、經濟強國、醫學救國」 「科技發展是經濟發展的原動力」 「企業是經濟發展的主體,企業家是經濟的靈魂」 科技的創新,當然要靠人才,而人才的產生必須來自教育」 「醫學是人才的後盾,沒有醫學就沒有健康人才,就沒有經濟國力」 1980年代,台灣醫療水平落後國際,醫師專科化培訓更是空白一片。所以在了加工出口區、科學園區規劃後,提出醫學中心建設。 此外,陳立夫先生也提出,傳統中醫藥雖有傳承,但無規範難以去蕪存菁,無質量準,無系統化培訓,造成科學化不足,與西方醫學漸行漸遠。 此上種種問題,造成中醫無法科學化發展,西醫無法系統化質量提升,傳統醫學與現代醫學無法有機對話,國人健康沒有好的醫療服務,更無法留住國際級人才。 孫運璿先生於1984年中風,因等待國際專家來台治療,造成病情耽誤。 1987年台積電成立,國際級人才對台灣醫療水平無法安心。更是加速李國鼎先生與陳立夫先生等人的決心,經1年規劃,於1989年成立國際醫學科學研究基金會。負責對接國際醫療教育培訓、科學研究、成果轉化與中西醫結合創新。 本會一直以來承擔使命,在新竹科學園區亮麗發展的背後,默默負責吸引頂尖醫學人才來台交流,台灣醫事人員出國培訓, 建設醫院基礎學科,強化大學中醫藥科研。進行醫療專科化培訓,引入前瞻醫療技術,創建國家醫學中心,縮短與國際醫學的距離。 半導體科技是台灣的護國神山, 科學園區的蓬勃經濟,背靠的是醫學中心的支撐。 台灣醫學教育、醫療品質現居世界排名第一,醫療就是台灣科技發展的隱形神山。 第一屆 董事名冊
榮譽董事長:李國鼎 董事長:蔣彥士,董事:李國鼎、孫運璿、崔玖、魏火曜、于俊、黃民德、張隆盛、蔡勛雄、陳田圃、郭肇榮、許猛忠、王國勝(增)、林明道(增) 第二屆 董事名冊 榮譽董事長:李國鼎 董事長:蔣彥士,董事:李國鼎、孫運璿、崔玖、魏火曜、于俊、黃民德、張隆盛、蔡勛雄、陳田圃、郭肇榮、許猛忠、王國勝、林明道 第三屆 董事名冊 董事長:陳田圃,董事:崔玖、郭肇榮、許猛忠、吳和堂、張弘憲、張天鋆、王大東、王國勝、張斌、于俊、林昭庚、高信疆、張成國 第十屆 董事名冊 榮譽董事長:崔玖 董事長:陳介甫,董事:林哲安、胡幼圃、張恒鴻、許福程、陳駿成、樓宇偉、許心馨、張資敏 第十一屆 董事名冊(目前) 董事長:陳介甫、董事:林哲安、胡幼圃、張恆鴻、王銘富、林克謨、樓宇偉、陳志福、張資敏 執行成員簡介現任
國際醫學科學研究基金會董事長、陽明大學藥理學教授、志英植物研究發展基金會董事長 歷任 國防醫學院、中國醫藥學院、陽明醫學院藥理學教授、台北榮民總醫院研究員,克里夫蘭臨床基金會醫院及國家衛生研究客座研究員,國立中國醫藥研究所所長,香港大學、青島大學、南京中醫藥大學榮譽教授 名人錄 醫學名人錄( Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare , 2011-2012 ), Marquis who’s Who Publications, America. 馬可名人錄出版社 美國 世界名人錄( Who’s Who in the World 2012-2013 ), Marquis... 亞洲名人錄( Who’s Who in Asia,2012 ),Marquis… 一百位典範健康專業人士( Top 100 Health Professionals , 2010-2012 ), The International Biographical Center(IBC), Cambridge, England, 國際傳記中心 劍橋英國) 二十一世紀二千位傑出智者(2000 Outstanding Intellectures of the 21th Century ,2012 ), IBC. 國際健康專業年度人物(International Health Professional of the Year 2012 ,IBC. 傑出醫學貢獻證書(The Cambridge Certificate for Outstanding Medical Achievement ,2012 ), IBC. 2011年度人士(Man of the Year 2011,2012 ), American Biographical Institute(ABI), Inc. Massachusetts , U.S.A. 美國傳記研究所,美國.麻州 醫學傑出獎2011(The Medical Science Award of Excellence,2011), ABI. 台灣金牌獎(Gold Medal for Taiwan), ABI. 2012年傑出獎(2012 Award of Excellence), ABI. 國際傑出領導人傳略(International Profiles of Accomplished Leaders), ABI. 美國功績獎,2012 (American Order of Merit,2012),ABI. 2012年度人物(Man of the Year 2021),ABI. 簡介:
國際著名中西醫崔玖醫師傳人。長期從事中西醫結合非藥物療法在中樞神經退化,腫瘤,心血管疾病,腎臟病的防治,防複與增效等臨床教科研工作。 專長數位化中醫,智慧醫學,再生醫學工程,與老藥新用、新藥研發。兩岸交流與全球醫療服務經驗豐富。 主要研究方向: 林哲安教授致力於以科學方式研究東西方傳統醫學,特別是中醫所稱之「氣」可由科學名詞描述為「生物能」,並可使用電子儀器來檢測,形成了數位化中醫的基礎。並也驗證了中醫的「經絡系統」「氣功」確實存在,並可使用電子儀器來回饋。以科學實證結合東西方傳統及現代醫學演發成智慧資訊醫學。 社會兼職: 海峽兩岸醫藥衛生交流協會腫瘤分會副主委、海峽兩岸醫藥衛生交流協會中西醫結合分會副主委、國際ERAS數位化中醫主持人、世界中醫藥學會聯合會投研會常務理事、國際發明創新聯盟常務理事、中國香山科學論壇研究員、烏克蘭國家奧林匹克委員會隊醫、美國馬里蘭州運動科學聯盟隊醫、夏威夷中華文化服務中心特聘醫師、越緬寮華人聯誼會特聘醫師、聖馬利諾國家議會特聘醫師 第十一屆董事會董事
基金會網站 二維碼
OBJECTIVES In recognition of the benefits to b derived from a study, comparison and Integration of the concepts and practices of Asian traditional medicine and those of contemporary Western medicine, the foundation for East West Medicine has been established by a group of philanthropic private. citizens in this community in order to: (a) Devalope traditional medicine using the scientific high technology. (b) Study, Investigate, Interpret and, where possible, Integrate the concepts and practices of traditional and contemporary medicine. (c) Promote and support throughout the geographical area encompassed by the Asian-American complex the adaptation and use of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative technologies which may be appropriate for specific national or ethnic systems and Institutions. Goals (a)Short term (1) Coordinate research proposals in the field covered by the objectives from various resarch Institutions and to facilitate their completion and publication (2) Initiate new research proposals. (3) Colicet and desseminate of Information relating to the objectives of the foundation Publish newsletters in both Chinese and English in order to facilitate the communication of the researchers world wide. (4) Provide associated education and training to a broad spectrum of health care workers. (b)Mid-term Facilitate the activities to be self-sufficient. (c)Long-term Integrate the results of the research which are considered established into the medical textbooks and literatures. Incorporate appropriate traditional practices which are by the clinical trails into the general system of health care. BACKGROUND While Western concepts have succesfully revolutionized many health care systems and techniques in recent generations, it has long been recognized that traditional systems of medicine have always been an integral part of all human cultures. In many countries traditional medicine provided the main continuing source of health care especially in the rural areas. The World Health Organization, for instance, has placed great emphasis on the promotion and development of Traditional Medicine as part of its global strategy. Many countries legally recognize Traditional Medicine as a system of health care delivery in s own right. India, Sri Lanka, Egypt and the Sudan are examples, Among the many practices of Traditional Medicine found in Asia, those of China have an accumulation of knowledge and cllnical experience dating back three thousand years. Even so, In this day and age all practices of Traditional Medicine seem to lack the ingredient of successfully exploiting the disoveries that modern science has placed before t ore the world in very rapid succession. There is an urgent need to close this gap, not only from the standpoint of that large part of the world which depends upon traditional practices for its health care but from the standpoint of that part of the world which i embraces Western medical concepts totally and which might well benefit from a reasoned and tested Integration. In the Republic of China, the Traditional Chinese doctors are licensed as well as the Western tralned physicans. The use of herbal midicine is well accepted. However International cooperation in this field are urgently needed in Jan. 1 1988, a Center for East-West Medicine on the Manoa Campus of the University of Hawall was being Sablished Julla J. Tsuel, M. D, Professor Emeritus, School of R f Public Health, was named co-derictor of the Center. The objectives and goal of the Center are quite similer to this Foundation. Many of the research work are jointly operated with the National Yang-Ming Medical College, Veterans General Hospital, China Medical College and other expertice of this country. To support of this Center could be considered as one of the main goals of this Foundation In order to assure the steability of the funding of this Foundation, the contributors are encouraged to give long term support by committing yearly donations. The activitive of the Foundation will be provided on a self-sufficlect bases. WORKING PLANS There will be four working committees established in the first phase, namely Research, Development, Education and Publishing and Health Promotion Three years short term plan 1. Research: Two general areas of research will be coordinated and desined A Bloenergetic study: Approximately five to ten research proposals will be coordinated in the areas of scientific observation, leterature search, and community needs investigations B. Herbal Remedy study five to ten research proposals will be coodrinated in the area of Investigation of the efficacy and safety of herbal remedies for anti-viral or immunity-enhancing treatments. 2 Development A Fund raising B.Establish system for derelopment of the foundation activities for self-sufficiency. 3 Education and Publication A.Publish newsletter In Chinese and English B.Publish and transtale related literatures and books. 4 Health Promotion Seminars for gaining knowledge and specific skills in the related areas will be given Services for health promotion using the established traditional practice will be provided. 范瑞杰的異想世界:後疫情的時代如何自我保健心靈花緣『健康長壽桃花源』:『徐士蘭.林哲安後疫情長新冠防治精準營養』。請點擊,連結後立即播放。財團法人國際醫學科學研究基金會
深圳辦事處: 廣東省深圳市南山區高新南十道金地威新中心A座3706室 聯絡人:曹琳 女士 181-2880-0588 雲南辦事處: 雲南省昆明市西山區前興路潤城第二大道4棟623室 聯絡人:高儷閣 女士 187-6077-7959 蘇州辦事處: 江蘇省蘇州市吳中區月亮灣11號2棟1013室 聯絡人:朱品璇 女士 159-0166-7835 |